How time flies! I really couldnt believe it when I noticed I hadnt updated the website since the year 2020! How much has happened since then! Who would of ever believed it then if we had told them what was around the corner!
So whats changed on the pest control front? In some ways not much….the wasps still appear in spring and we will always be battling rat and rodent issues. Not to mention battling the ineffective responses from local councils. I believe some of the East Lancashire councils are now charging for rat control. While this in itself isn’t a bad thing, I’ll be amazed if the quality of service actually improves. I have lost count of all the Pest Controllers in Blackburn that we have followed on to a job, to find they have done little more than just throw a bit of poison down. This happens in other areas as well. We often attend Pest Control in Bolton to find no effort has been put in to actually find where rats are coming from.
We have noticed flea issues seem to have slowed down. While we have dealt with some major flea treatments in Bolton, spraying offices and HMO’s for flea infestations. Overall the number of calls for cat fleas and dog fleas have been down.
We did for a while concentrate on commercial pest control in Bolton and commercial pest control in Preston. Personally I always enjoyed the domestic pest issues though so I’m happy with the new balance I seem to have found. I try and specialise in commercial pest control but always leave room in my schedule to answer the phone and attend private homes and deal with issues personally.
Feel free to visit my google page for up to date reviews and photos.