Its very rare that we find anybody with anything good to say about wasps! Personally as I spend so much time waging war on them on other peoples behalf I’ve grown to love them and have spent a lot of time studying them and their habits. So, before I begin to ramble on about their lives and natural history I’ll just tell you about my services related to wasps, wasps nest Bolton and their control.

  • I always try to prioritise emergency wasp calls, so if your a business holder with a wasp nest Bolton or maybe a school with swarms of wasps in Horwich, then you can be sure I’m only a phone call away.
  • I carry specialist equipment during wasp season, from telescopic  poles for hard to reach wasp nests to protective clothing to protect from wasp stings, I’m always equipped to deal with your problem
  • I always carry the correct chemicals to deal with the problem. The dusts and sprays I use will not excite wasps. These chemicals are only available  to professional pest controllers.
  • So for any problems with wasps nest Bolton, throughout Lancashire and Greater Manchester feel free to give me a call-Ian Smith 07821318954.
Wasp control nest treatment

Treating a wasp nest in the Preston area.

So for those of you like me that find wasps interesting here is some wasp background information-

About the Wasp

The common wasp vespula vulgaris is a social wasp that is found in Europe, Asia and even Australia. The wasps that buzz around you and have you running for cover during summer and autumn actually have one of the most complex and interesting lives and habits- in my eyes anyway! I wont drone on about them but here is a few facts about the wasps and wasp nests that we deal with in Lancashire and Greater Manchester.

  • Adult worker wasps are around 12-16mm in length while queen wasps around 20mm.
  • In certain parts of the UK wasps are known as ‘jaspers’. I always wonder if this comes from the wasps Latin name ‘vespa’.
  • Wasps nests are made from chewed wood pulp mixed with saliva, they are light brown and feel like paper mache. A finished nest in September may contain as many as 10,000 wasps.
  • Wasp colonies normally only last one year with all the wasps except the queen dying as winter takes its icy grip. After mating the queen wasp spends the winter in the best sheltered spot she can find, normally in a building.

Wasp Stings and Allergic Reactions to Wasp Stings

Wasp stings vary in severity in different people  due to a number of factors not least the sensitivity of the person concerned. I believe after being stung on so many different occasions that I am to a certain degree a little bit immune to the worst effects of wasp stings yet other people can suffer rather more painful and serious reactions. Just last year I was called to deal with a wasps nest in Wigan where a lady had been stung and suffered an allergic reaction, luckily she was aware of her serious reaction to wasp stings and quickly sought help.

When being stung by a wasp you will normally suffer from pain, swelling and redness across the sting site, this redness may spread over 3-4 inch over the next 24hrs. This is quite normal and can be treated with any over the counter anti-histamine cream, don’t worry and remember that most people will not have any serious reaction when they come into contact with wasps.

Medical attention should be sought if you suffer any more serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing or chest pain, if the reaction area grows to over 10 inch, swelling in the mouth, faintness or if the sting involves the eye.

Wasps Nest Removal

Wasp Nest Removals UK

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Moles can be an expensive pest to deal with in the agricultural environment, I pride myself on my ability to tackle mole control over large areas. My methods combined with my experience, enable me to deal with mole problems in such an efficient way that I am one of the cheapest traditional mole catchers operating in Lancashire and the North West.

Throughout history wherever and whenever man has made his home he has also very quickly found himself to have unwelcome lodgers in the form of rodents, mainly rats and mice. The reasons for controlling rodents generally fall into 2 categories-

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