Pigeon Pest ControlIn the many towns and cities that I cover feral pigeons are an increasing problem. When you walk around Preston, Bolton, Wigan and even some of the smaller towns such as Chorley and Leigh it is quite obvious the huge numbers of feral pigeons that make their home there. As somebody who offers a pest control service in these areas I need to be able to supply the correct advice and service, which could be pigeon proofing a warehouse in Preston, attaching repellants to window ledges on old buildings in Bolton or reducing pigeon numbers within underground car parks and other areas with public access.


Problems caused by feral pigeons can generally be divided into 2 categories –

  1. Damage to property and buildings- One of the problems caused by feral pigeons to buildings throughout Lancashire and the Northwest is simply damage to building structure such as damaging roof tiles as they try to gain entry to nest and roost, this can lead to general deterioration of a property in quite a short amount of time. Another aspect of this is the massive amount of feathers, nesting material and droppings that build up very quickly once pigeons gain access, this can block drains and gutters adding to the problem. The droppings of feral pigeons also deface the surface of buildings adding to the erosion of old stone work.
  2. Public health- The risk to public health through having large numbers of feral pigeons should not be under estimated. Feral pigeons commonly carry diseases such as  salmonella, psittacosis and pseudo-tuberculosis and their dropping are ideal places for bacteria to grow. When pigeons make their home close to human habitation we also have to deal with the parasites they carry. Pigeons will often be found to be carrying mites, lice and bird fleas which can very easily infest ones home. Bird fleas are species specific meaning that they will only thrive on birds but this will not stop them infesting your home or work place and feeding off humans. I once was called to deal with a re-occurring  flea problem in Wigan that a different pest controller had failed to solve, after carefully surveying the property I found feral pigeons living in the apartment roof space to be the root cause.

Also the damage to stock in warehouses and shops can be massive in financial terms, this is especially so when feral pigeons gain access to areas used to store food products.

For any feral pigeon problems Call Ian Smith 07821318954

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Moles can be an expensive pest to deal with in the agricultural environment, I pride myself on my ability to tackle mole control over large areas. My methods combined with my experience, enable me to deal with mole problems in such an efficient way that I am one of the cheapest traditional mole catchers operating in Lancashire and the North West.

Throughout history wherever and whenever man has made his home he has also very quickly found himself to have unwelcome lodgers in the form of rodents, mainly rats and mice. The reasons for controlling rodents generally fall into 2 categories-

Protection of health and the prevention of disease.

Ian Smith pest control delivers a comprehensive insect control and monitoring service, helping your business identify insect-related risks and remove avoidable costs. I'm an experienced technician who carry's out detailed inspections and identify's any areas of infestation.


I provide many forms of bird-pest control, including bird proofing and bird scaring which incorporates falconery response, audio deterrents, electric deterrents and bird repellant gels for every type of bird problem. Get in touch for a no obligation quote from Ian Smith Pest Control.