Winter is now upon us and although the weather has been quite mild we have still seen the usual seasonal movement of mice into homes and property. Every year, as soon as the temperatures begin to drop or as rain and floods begin to make outdoor living a little uncomfortable then rats and mice move into homes and places of work and pest controllers begin to receive phone calls. So far I have been receiving 2 or 3 calls a week about mouse problems in Bolton. Normally this would be around the 5-6 calls a week mark by January. Don’t forget this time last year we were snowed in and as I type this the sun is shining through the window! Will the cold weather come? Are the usual numbers of mice waiting in the wings? We shall all have to wait and see……
I have noticed though that we have got an increase in mice that refuse common grain baits and become difficult to control, I have mentioned this before on one of my blogs and this unusual behaviour is becoming more common. These ‘bait shy’ mice are made even more difficult to control with the removal of certain weapons from our amoury such as poison contact dust which had its licence for use removed. As yet I’m unsure why and answers dont seem to be forthcoming.
On the other hand we do continue to see the more normal hungry, eat anything mouse behaviour . I recently had an experience with some of the hungriest mice I have ever seen when dealing with a call for mouse problems in Bolton and the Northwest. The mice not only eat all the bait but the plastic bait trays as well!
Another problem I have noticed recently is the proliferation on unsuitable mouse poisons being sold to the general public by DIY stores. A common one is the bait so by many shops and marketed by a large well known pest control company. The bait is sold in a ready sealed mouse ‘bait station’. The active ingredient is Alfa Cloralose, this bait works by causing hypothermia in mice and only works at low temperatures, so why is it being sold to be used in peoples homes, at warm temperatures? without any type of advice on correct usage?
For all Mouse problems in Bolton call Ian Smith on 07821 318954 for free no obligation advice and quotes.